EA/102/1 - 
mourning garment
EA/102/1 - 
mourning garment
EA/102/1 - 
mourning garment
EA/102/1 - 
mourning garment
EA/102/1 - 
mourning garment
EA/102/1 - 
mourning garment

mourning garment

Description (brief)
A moarning cloak for women worn during the so called 'short moarning' ( the 'long moarning' is practiced when husband or child have died). It consists of a kind of cloak with an attached hood. The wearer is not supossed to take of the garment for six months (meaning she cannot bathe), lives on coconuts alone and can only leave the house when absolutey necessary.

Thesaurus terms

Materials thesaurus
Materials thesaurus » organic » vegetal » bark » bark fibre » bark fibre cord
Materials thesaurus » organic » vegetal » bark » orchid bark
Cultural origin » Papua
Cultural origin » Papua » South Coast » South Coast peoples » Marind
Geographical term » Papua
Geographical term » Papua » Division South New-Guinea
Object category
OVM Category » levenscyclus » dood en rouw
OVM Category » clothing and personal adornment » clothing